BEEF Extract

Katalog-Nummer BB0114-500g

Size : 500g

Marke : Bio Basic

Contact local distributor :

Telefonnummer : +1 850 650 7790

BEEF Extract
Storage: 18 to 25C
Product Description: BEEF Extract: This product is prepared from very low fat bovine skeletal muscle and marrow, which is spinal column free with no tendons. Beef Extract Powder is highly nutritious and is used in preparing microbiological culture media. It is recommended for use in culture media for bacteriological examination of water, milk and other materials.
Total Product Size:
BB0114 (100g)
BB0114 (500g)
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 12352206
UNSPSC Category: Animal Tissue Extracts

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