96 Tests PN: B212298


45x Ab-conjugated beads (S5P6 - Mouse Fractalkine Ab-bead). PN: B212298A One vial containing 100 µL of anti-mouse Fractalkine conjugated to AimPlex Bead S5P6.

25x Biotin-detection Ab (Mouse Fractalkine Biotin-dAb). PN: B212298B. One vial containing 100 µL of biotinylated anti-mouse Fractalkine.

Lyophilized Standard - Mouse Fractalkine. PN: B212298S. One vial containing lyophilized recombinant mouse Fractalkine.  

Application: Optimal antibody pair and antigen standard for assaying mouse Fractalkine To be used in conjunction with the AimPlex Mouse/Rat Basic Kit (PN: P200201) and a diluent kit. Refer to the AimPlex Multiplex Immunoassay User Manual and kit inserts for the assay procedure.

Storage:  2-8 C in the dark.

Important: Sodium azide forms explosive compounds with heavy metals. These products contain <0.05% (w/w) azide which with repeated contact with lead and copper commonly found in plumbing drains may result in the buildup of shock sensitive compounds. Dispose in accordance with regulations from your institute.

For Research Use Only.  Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Assay Specifications:


Fractalkine/CX3CL1 (Accession O35188) is the only member of the chemokine subfamily CX3C. FKN is induced by proinflammatory signals in endothelial cells within the vascular system. Fractalkine can exist in a membrane-bound form or in a soluble form – each form with its own function. In membrane-bound form, FKN works as a binding molecule. It can induce migration of dendritic cells, lymphocytes, stem cells, and macrophages and activate heterotrimeric G proteins. Thus, FKN can mediate leukocyte transportation and adhesion. In its soluble form defined by proteolytic cleavage, FKN acts as a chemotaxis inducing molecule, promoting cell to cell adhesion. NK Cells, T-cells, monocytes, and glial cell macrophages all express the receptor for FKN in vitro. Unlike most chemokines that are synthesized in leukocytes, Fractalkine is produced in the vasculature and neurons within the central nervous system in activated endothelial cells. In mice, expression of FKN has been shown to inhibit the progression of lupus nephritis and affects acute renal failure. Due to its role in inflammation, FKN expression may be relevant to rheumatoid arthritis, polymyositis, and dermatomyositis.



  1. Ferretti E, Pistoia V, Corcione A. Role of Fractalkine/CX3CL1 and Its Receptor in the Pathogenesis of Inflammatory and Malignant Disease with Emphasis on B Cell Malignancies. Mediators of Inflammation vol. 2014 Article ID 480941, 10 pages; doi:10.115/2014/480941.

  2. Haskell CA, Cleary, MD Charo, IF. Molecular Uncoupling of Fractalkine-mediated Cell Adhesion Signal Transduction: Rapid Flow Arrest of CX2CR1-Expressing Cells is Independent of G-Protein Activation. J. Biol. Chem. 1999; 274:10053-10058. doi:10.1074/jbc.274.15.10053.

  3. Hundhausen C, Misztela D, Berkhout TA, Broadway N, Saftig P, Reiss K, Hartmann D, Fahrenholz F, Postina R, Matthews V, Kallen K, Rose-John S, Ludwig A. The disintegrin-like metalloproteinase ADAM10 is involved in constitutive cleavage of CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and regulates CX3CL1-mediated cell-cell adhesion. Blood. 2013 102:1186-1195; doi:10.1182/blood-2002-12-3775.

  4. Inoue A. , Hasegawa H. , Kohno M, Ito MR, Terada M, Imai T, Yoshie O, Nose M, Fujita S. (2005), Antagonist of fractalkine (CX3CL1) delays the initiation and ameliorates the progression of lupus nephritis in MRL/lpr mice. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 52: 1522-1533. doi:10.1002/art.21007.

  5. Jones BA, Beamer M, Ahmed S. Fractalkine/CX3CL1: a potential new target for inflammatory diseases. Mol Interv. 2010;10(5):263–270. doi:10.1124/mi.10.5.3.

  6. Oh D, Dursun B, He Z, Lu L, Hoke T, Ljubanovic D, Faubel S, Edelstein C. Fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) inhibition is protective against ischemic acute renal failure in mice. A. J. Physiology. 2008; 1(1). doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00204.2007.