Mancha de Verhoeff

La tinción de Verhoeff pone de manifiesto la red de fibras elásticas.
Esta tinción es útil en el diagnóstico de lesiones degenerativas congénitas o adquiridas (estrías, elastosis solar), vasculitis (puede ser necesaria para demostrar el límite elástico de los vasos) o arteritis temporal.
This method is based on the staining of elastic fibers by haematin combined with iodine and ferric chloride. The Verhoeff Coloring Kit contains 6 dyes.
The method is based on the affinity of hemalun associated with a Lugol solution for elastic fibers. The electivity of the method is not absolute; other tissue structures, such as collagen and muscle, may be stained; it is therefore important to carry out a careful differentiation to obtain a marked and selective coloration of the elastic fibers. Sirius picrate red background staining can complement the chromatic framework to highlight other connective tissue components.
Verhoeff stain highlights different cellular and tissue structures:
  • The nuclei in gray to black
  • Elastic fibers in black
  • Stain of the cytoplasm, red blood cells or collagen depends on the counter staining used.

Resultados de su búsqueda : 2 Producto encontrado

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  • Unconjugated 2
  • Buffers and reagents 2
  • IHC 2

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