SARS-CoV-2 - Secondary antibodies for research and development

SARS-CoV-2 - Secondary antibodies for research and development

The current COVID-19 pandemic has sickened more than 520,000 people worldwide and continues to increase daily. There is an urgent need to increase current diagnostic capacity. Compared to the commonly used PCR test, the diagnostic method based on the serological test is much easier and faster to perform. To support the development of immunodiagnostic methods, we offer a comprehensive collection of antibodies and antigens for SARS-CoV-2.
We offer a full range of antibodies to human IgG and IgM for research and development of kits for the detection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in patient samples.
Rapid tests for the screening of COVID-19 affected patients, based on the principle of immunochromatography, use anti-human IgG and IgM antibodies to detect anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies produced by patients in serum, plasma or whole blood samples.

Resultados de su búsqueda : 13505 Producto encontrado

Refine su búsqueda :

  • Unconjugated 3445
  • HRP 1258
  • FITC 1171
  • Biotin 1115
  • AP 675
  • PE 433
  • TRITC 420
  • APC 327
  • Red 303
  • Cy3 297
  • Cy7 272
  • Cy5 249
  • Cy5.5 222
  • AMCA 196
  • Alexa Fluor 647 150
  • Alexa Fluor 555 148
  • AbFluor™ 488 141
  • AbFluor™ 594 129
  • Alexa Fluor 350 112
  • Alexa Fluor 405 112
  • Alexa Fluor 532 112
  • Alexa Fluor 568 112
  • Alexa Fluor 633 112
  • Alexa Fluor 660 112
  • Alexa Fluor 680 112
  • Alexa Fluor 750 112
  • Rhodamine 106
  • Alexa Fluor 488 99
  • Alexa Fluor 790 80
  • Texas Red® 80
  • Alexa Fluor 594 66
  • Gold 56
  • RPE 39
  • PE/Cy7 30
  • PerCp 29
  • Glucose Oxidase 28
  • PE/Cy5 25
  • RBITC 25
  • Colloidal Gold 24
  • DyLight 488 23
  • DyLight 550 23
  • PE/Cy5.5 21
  • Agarose 19
  • DyLight 594 18
  • SPRD 16
  • DyLight 650 15
  • DyLight 800 15
  • CF®488A 14
  • CF®594 14
  • DyLight 633 14
  • Allophycocyanin 13
  • DyLight® 650 13
  • DyLight® 550 12
  • DyLight® 594 12
  • R-Phycoerythrin 12
  • APC/Cy7 11
  • DyLight® 488 11
  • ALP 9
  • CF®543 9
  • CF®633 9
  • LE/AF 9
  • CF®640R 8
  • CF®647 8
  • Phosphatase 8
  • azide free 8
  • iFluor™647 8
  • iFluor™700 8
  • PE-Cy7 7
  • PerCP/Cy5.5 7
  • BGAL 6
  • BIMA 5
  • DyLight 350 5
  • AF555 4
  • APC-Cy7 4
  • Alkaline Phosphatase 4
  • CF®680 4
  • CF®770 4
  • Low Endotoxin/Azide Free 4
  • Pacific Blue 4
  • iFluor™488 4
  • iFluor™594 4
  • AF647 3
  • CF®488 3
  • CF®555 3
  • CF®568 3
  • Cy2 3
  • DyLight 755 3
  • DyLight® 680 3
  • MaxLight 490 3
  • MaxLight 550 3
  • MaxLight 650 3
  • R-PE/Cy5 3
  • DyLight 405 2
  • PE-Cy5 2
  • R-PE 2
  • Streptavidin 2
  • Beta Galactosidase 1
  • DyLight® 405 1
  • PE/Texas Red 1
  • PerCP-Cy5.5 1
  • human 10557
  • mouse 674
  • rabbit 243
  • goat 185
  • all species 109
  • rat 108
  • cow 93
  • sheep 88
  • monkey 77
  • dog 20
  • guinea pig 19
  • cat 16
  • donkey 16
  • horse 16
  • hamster 15
  • chicken 11
  • pigeon 11
  • swine 7
  • pig 5
  • duck 4
  • Secondary antibody
  • Secondary Antibody 58
  • goat 5774
  • rabbit 3427
  • mouse 2719
  • human 429
  • donkey 368
  • rat 167
  • chicken 137
  • sheep 68
  • swine 30
  • horse 28
  • pig 15
  • guinea pig 13
  • monkey 9
  • cow 2
  • IHC 6706
  • ELISA 5838
  • FC 5336
  • IF 5290
  • WB 4539
  • ICC 1436
  • FLISA 747
  • IP 479
  • Microscopy 372
  • Immunodiffusion 171
  • Dot blot 145
  • Inhibition assay 123
  • ELISPOT 90
  • Lateral Flow 64
  • Immunolocalization 62
  • Multiplex assay 35
  • Immunoassay 33
  • Purification 31
  • Immunoelectrophoresis 26
  • ChIP 20
  • EIA 20
  • Chemiluminescence 16
  • Stimulation 14
  • Cellular activation 10
  • Cell depletion 9
  • ISH 6
  • ID 4
  • Radioimmunoassay 4
  • array 4
  • Agglutination 2
  • Detection 2
  • Mass spectrometry 2
  • in-vivo 2
  • Blocking 1
  • Polyclonal 8487
  • Monoclonal 1426
  • polyclonal 264
  • MHM-88 94
  • POlyclonal 81
  • 3D3 54
  • H2 47
  • UHB 43
  • SA-DA4 40
  • HP6050 27
  • CH2 25
  • HP6025 25
  • JDC-10 24
  • HB57 23
  • HP6043 19
  • NI 179 19
  • SPM556 19
  • LO-hG-20 18
  • LO-hG-22 18
  • LO-hG-24 18
  • LO-hG4-1 18
  • LO-hG4-5 18
  • LO-hM-7 18
  • NI 132 (HP 6186) 18
  • NI 335 and NI 343 17
  • LO-hM-14 16
  • LO-hM-18 16
  • 4E3 15
  • HP6014 15
  • HP6023 15
  • HP6001 14
  • IG266 14
  • HP6002 13
  • 31-7-4 12
  • NI 25-1 (HP 6207) 12
  • NI 330 (HP 6050) 12
  • NI 6014 (HP 6014) 12
  • B33/20 11
  • EM-07 11
  • NI 315 (HP 6206) 11
  • ICO-97 10
  • 4A10 9
  • 4A11 9
  • monoclonal 8
  • 4D2D9G8 7
  • HM-7 7
  • IG217 + IG266 7
  • M15/8 7
  • MA2 7
  • R1/69 7
  • 2E4 6
  • 4000 6
  • 47.2.E9 6
  • 52G1 6
  • E20-V 6
  • I17-T 6
  • NI 86 (HP 6080) 6
  • RM117 6
  • RM119 6
  • RM120 6
  • 2A6 5
  • 3H10G5F2 5
  • 8A4 5
  • HP6045 5
  • MK 1 A6 5
  • MRQ-44 5
  • RM118 5
  • RM121 5
  • RM217 5
  • UCHB1 5
  • 1F4 4
  • 22G1.H8 4
  • 2A11 4
  • 2B9cc 4
  • 2C11cc 4
  • 3C7 4
  • 3D3cc 4
  • 3D8.H7.D4 4
  • 3F4G4 4
  • 5A9cc 4
  • 5C7cc 4
  • 5G12cc 4
  • 6F11C8 4
  • CH1 4
  • HG-20 4
  • HG-22 4
  • HK-3 4
  • HL-2 4
  • ICO-30 4
  • IM260 + IM373 + ICO-30 4
  • M11 4
  • MuHC2 4
  • SB2H2 4
  • 10G/2C11 3
  • 17F12 3
  • 2C11 3
  • 2D7-A9-C8 3
  • 7HA13 3
  • EFE-565 3
  • Goat 3

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