Trans5K DNA Marker

Ordine minimo 3

Cat# BM141-01

Size : 500ul

Marca : TransGen Biotech

Contatta il distributore locale :

Telefono : +1 850 650 7790

  • BM141-01.JPG
  • BM141.jpg
Product Details

Trans5K DNA Marker is a premixed, ready-to-load molecular weight marker containing eight linear double-stranded DNA fragments. The DNA Ladder is suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA Ladder contains 300 bp -5.0 kb DNA fragments. The 1.5kb band (125 ng/5 μl) has doubled intensity than other bands to serve as reference band.

• Ready-to use molecular weight marker for DNA size range of 300 bp to 5.0 kb.
• All bands from restriction enzyme digested plasmids.
• Brighter 1.5kb reference band.

300 bp, 500 bp, 800 bp , 1,000 bp, 1,500bp(125 ng/5 μl, the double intensity band),2,000 bp, 3,000 bp, 5,000 bp,

at 2-8 °C for six months; at -20 °C for two years

Dry ice (-70 ℃)


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Wang X , Lei G , Wu X , et al. Expression, purification and characterization of sll1981 protein from cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803[J]. Protein Expression & Purification, 2017, 139:21-28.

Duan Y , Wang Z , Wei W U , et al. Polycistronic Expression of Human Platelet Factor 4 with Heparin-Neutralizing Activity in Escherichia coli[J]. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan, 2012, 76(10):1855-60.

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