Human Primary cells - Hair System

Human Primary cells - Hair System

The hair system provides sensory information to the vestibular and auditory systems. The hair system also protects against abrasion and exposure to UV radiation. Hair cells are sensory cells capped with filamentous structures, the stereocilia, that line the cochlea of vertebrates. The set of hair cells and the membranes attached to them constitute the organ of Corti. Dermal papilla cells, germinal matrix cells, inner and outer root sheath cells and follicular keratinocytes are essential components for normal hair development and growth. Abnormal cell regulation within the hair system contributes to the development of disorders such as alopecia. 
We propose different types of normal human primary cells in the hair cell system including: dermal papilla cells, germinal matrix cells, outer root sheath cells, root sheath cells and follicular keratinocytes.

Risultati della ricerca : 17 prodotto(i) trovato(i)

Limita la ricerca :

  • primary 17
  • Primary cells
  • human 17