BLOTTO Immunoanalytical Grade (Non-Fat Dry Milk)

Referência OORA01672

Tamanho : 500g

Marca : Aviva Systems Biology

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Product Info
Product FormatLyophilized
ApplicationBlk, ELISA, Pur
Reconstitution and StorageReconstitute with deionized water (or equivalent). Store container at room temperature prior to opening. After reconstitution, use blocking buffers immediately. Dilute solutions may be stored at 4°C for up to four (4) days. Solutions containing BLOTTO may be frozen. Expiration date of dry material is one (1) year from date of opening.
Application InfoUse BLOTTO whenever procedures call for immunoanalytical grade non-fat dry milk. Alternative blocking agents such as BLOTTO A (solution of TBS, 5% non-fat dry milk and 0.05% Tween-20) and BLOTTO B (solution of TBS, 1% non-fat dry milk, 1% BSA and 0.05% Tween-20) are also available. BLOTTO A is a convenient general purpose blocking agent. BLOTTO B is recommended for blocking when phospho-specific antibodies are used. BLOTTO A and BLOTTO B provide Tween-20 in a separate vial in liquid form. Users should consider the addition of protease inhibitors and phosphatase inhibitors when required. Typically 50 mM NaF can be added to BLOTTO solutions to inhibit phosphatase activity.
Description of TargetAviva provides the following blocking buffer reagents: BSA, BLOTTO, BLOTTO A, BLOTTO B and Blocking Buffer for Fluorescent Western Blotting. These products are intended to block non-specific binding of proteins in various immunological assays. Typically, western blotting and ELISA methods call for the addition of a blocking agent prior to the addition of primary antibody.

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