IHC detection kits - Triple staining for human tissues anti-Rabbit, Goat and Mouse IgG

IHC detection kits - Triple staining for human tissues anti-Rabbit, Goat and Mouse IgG

Triple staining in immunohistochemistry (IHC) allows the detection of 3 different antigens within the same tissue. This technique can be used to visualize these 3 antigens and to analyze their interactions, their locations and their functions. In addition, triple staining saves time compared to 3 simple stainings and also preserves valuable samples using less material, detection can be done on the same tissue section.

The general protocol of IHC triple-staining is based on the polymer method and uses three different enzyme complexes (mostly HRP and alkaline phosphatase) for the three antigens studied in order to obtain independent signals.

IHC triple-staining detection kits for human tissue anti-rabbit, goat and mouse IgG are optimized for use on paraffin embeded human tissue.

The range of IHC triple-staining kits for human tissues, anti-rabbit, goat and mouse IgG offers enzymatic complexes: Mouse-HRP/Rabbit-AP/Goat-HRP and several color combinations depending on substrates used: brown, red and green or brown, red and black. You can choose the combination that suits you best.

Resultado da sua pesquisa : 6 produto encontrado

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  • kit 6
  • goat 6
  • mouse 6
  • rabbit 6
  • IHC 6