EpiArt Magnetic DNA Methylation Bisulfite Kit

Cat# EM103-02

Size : 200rxns

Brand : Biorbyt

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    EpiArt Magnetic DNA Methylation Bisulfite Kit

    Catalog Number: EM103-02

    Catalog NumberEM103-02
    CategoryAssays and Kits
    DescriptionDNA methylation is closely related to gene expression and function. It plays a key role in a range of physiological and pathological processes, including genomic imprinting, embryonic development, chromosome gene silencing, and cell cycle regulation. EpiArt Magnetic DNA Methylation Bisulfite Kit is compatible with 100 pg – 2 μg of input DNA and enables ≥99.5% conversion efficiency of non-methylated cytosines. This kit integrates DNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion into one step, and shortens the conversion reaction time to 100 min. Desulphonation and purification of the converted DNA are performed while bound to beads. The bisulfite-converted DNA can be used for downstream applications such as PCR, qPCR, endonuclease digestion, and NGS. The kit is compatible with automated high-throughput systems.
    StorageStore at 15 ~ 25°C and transport at room temperature.
    NoteFor research use only
    Expiration DatePlease enquire.
    EpiArt Magnetic DNA Methylation Bisulfite Kit