Webinar: Cellcover

Webinar: Cellcover

Watch our webinar and lear how to preserve your cells


You can watch the webinar here.

CellCover was developed for fast “one step” stabilizing of biomolecules in life science research. CellCover is a non-toxic formulation for protecting status of expression in human and animal cells, solid tissues, including tumors and cultured cells (adherent, suspension, spheroids). DNA, RNA and proteins are all protected.



  • Stabilize RNA and proteins simultaneously for several days
  • Cells maintain close to in vivo morphology without chemical crosslinking of biomolecules allowing straight forward RNA isolation.
  • No freezing necessary 


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How it works


As soon as cells get exposed to CellCover their metabolic state is frozen without applying low temperatures- liquid frozen. Synthesis and turnover of bio-molecules are stalled. This includes instant disruption of cellular degradation pathways, making cell fixation by CellCover very fast. Chemical degradation is inhibited with CellCover as well, both leading to exceptional stabilization of DNA, RNA and protein. This is beneficial e. g. for analysis by flow cytometry or in next generation or RNA sequencing approaches.



The Applications




CellCover stabilizes cells in suspension, biopsies or tissue. CellCover is compatible with morphological analyses and staining procedures, with immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry.

Double Analyses

Cells treated with CellCover maintain morphology for several days. Epitopes are protected and can be stained later. Highly intact RNA can be isolated from cells in which protein has already been stained by immunolabeling. Quality of RNA after CellCover protection: Cells have been immunostained for protein, RNA was isolated subsequently.


CellCover liquid freeze effect allows visualization of formalin sensitive epitopes like Vimentin, enabling new insights in cells structure and architecture.



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