

Addiction is a complex and chronic condition characterized by the compulsive use of a substance or engagement in a behavior despite negative consequences. Addiction is often associated with drug or alcohol abuse, but it can also refer to dependence on behaviors such as gambling, shopping or using technology.

Addiction is not a choice or a moral failing, but a disease that affects the brain's reward system and changes the way individuals perceive pleasure, motivation, and decision-making. Addiction can lead to both physical and psychological dependence.

Addiction - From pleasure to dependence
It is a psychological and physical state of dependence on a substance, an activity or a behavior, which is characterized by a compulsive and repeated search for this substance, activity or behavior, despite the negative consequences that it can cause on the daily life of the individual. Addiction is a pathology based on the repeated consumption of a product (tobacco, alcohol, drugs ...) or the abnormally excessive practice of a behavior (games, time on social networks ...)